Zločin, ideologija, historija

Nikola Vukobratović; Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska

Tekst se bavi odnosom historijske znanosti i političkih borbi na temelju analize popularnoznanstvenih diskurza u masovnim medijima. Problematizirajući koncepte ideoloških zločina i disciplinarnog autoriteta historijske znanosti, pokušava dokazati zamke dogme o znanstvenoj “objektivnosti” i neideologičnosti historije.

Ključne riječi
hrvatska historiografija; ideologija; Louis Althusser; Pierre Bourdieu; totalitarizam; zločin

Cjeloviti tekstNikola Vukobratović; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

The text deals with the relation between history as a discipline and political struggles based on the analysis of popular-scientific discourses in mass media. By problemizing the concepts of ideological crimes and disciplinary authority of the historical science, the text tries to prove the pitfalls of the dogma of scientific “objectivity” and history as a non-ideological discipline.

Croatian historiography; ideology; Louis Althusser; Pierre Bourdieu; totalitarianism; crime

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